1. Communal societies:.
a. Closeness: small, people have a traditional background.
b. They looked like eachother (like amish) similar apperance.
c. Gemienschaft.
d. Mechanical solidarity- a highly integrated order based on the close similarity of all group members. The byproduct of a collective conscience.
e. Cultural integration- consistency between behavior and beliefs.
f. Normative integration- consistency between values and attitudes.
g. Sustaining elements maintain a communal society:.
i. They have to be isolated.
ii. They have to be remote.
iii. Industrial stagnation.
iv. A fear of outsides.
2. Associational (Industrial societies) societies:.
a. Heterogeneous mix. People with different religions, background, and different looks.
b. Their intereactions are tied to a reliance on others for specific goods and services.
c. Gesellschaft.
d. Organic solidarity- a social order woven together by the interdependence of its many different and distinct parts.
e. Functional integration- interdependence of roles (Division of labor).
Toennies- a theorist who said that human societies are moving from gemienschaft to gesellschaft. He argued that there was a breakdown in tradition because of the growth in industrialization that brought on this change or movement.
Emile Durkheim- he argued that there are two types of societies. Mechanical solidarity and organic consolidarity. He said since the earliest people the group was paramount (most important). Individuals were ruled by a powerful collective conscience, ruled by group sentiments and beliefs. He also argues that this consious acts as a forcefull constraint on the development of individuality. Individuality did come to form eventually organic solidarity. He said that while destroying mechanical solidarity orgonaic bonds did not simultaneously abolish the collective consience, it transformed it. Now individual differences can be tolerated as long as everyone recognized a broad and necessary social constraints.