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The Industrial Revolution


             led to the lack of workers needed, which directly effected unemployment. Those.
             unemployed workers formed a large new labor force.
             While the agricultural revolution led to the loss of many jobs, the inventions in.
             the textile industry called for more workers. During the 1500's and 1600's entrepreneurs.
             had developed the domestic system for manufacturing wool cloth. Though the domestic.
             system was an improvement it could not keep up with the demand for cloth. To.
             sympathize this need during the 1700's practical minded individuals thought of a way to.
             cause a mass production of cloth.
             To meet the need for mass produced goods, mechanical inventions were invented. .
             Theses inventions along with all others were invented to make life easier, to increase.
             profits, and to help supply the demand. In 1733 John Kay invented the flying shuttle.
             which replaced the dreaded hand healed shuttle in weaving. This invention vastly sped.
             up the spead of weaving.
             In 1764 james Hargraves developed a way to speed up spinning. He named this.
             invention the spinning jenny. Using this invention made it possible to spin many threads.
             at once. .
             Inventions like the spinning jenny were constantly being tweaked to better fit the.
             enviornment that they were in. Increasing the benefit the machine gave the people was.
             always a good thing to do. .
             The early textile mills were operated under the factory system which was.
             gradually replacing the domestic system. Under the factory system the workers and.
             machines wee brought together under one roof to manufacture goods. This brought the.
             notion of work into play. Work started when people went to a certain job everyday at a.
             cetain time and made either a daily or weekly wage.
             Under the factory system the new type of energy came from the steam engine. In.
             1698 Thomas Savery built a steam driven pump to remove water from flooded coal.
             mines. In the early 1700's Thomas Newcomen expaned on Savery's idea and made it.

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