Due to the previously discussed transmission methods of AIDS, African-American churches feel the victims deserve the misfortunes that have befallen them. With family, the workplace and the rest of society unsymptomatic to their plight AIDS victims choose to remain in the dark with regards to their illness. Instead of getting the very support and treatment they may need to take control of their lives, most end up continuing the destructive behaviors that may have contributed to their contraction of the disease (Grimes 24). This practice adds to the spread of the disease instead of helping to calm the epidemic. For homosexual African-Americans the problems are often exacerbated.
Gays in American society are ostracized and mistreated based on their sexual .
preferences. For the African-American homosexual any mistreatment based on race must also be coupled with mistreatment based on sexual preference. Homosexuality in the African-American community is strictly taboo. Many black male homosexuals are harmed due to homophobia. Black homosexuals who have AIDS must deal with even more negative issues concerning their status than all other peoples. Christy Feig, in her article "Black Male Gays, bisexuals hit hard by HIV," says "Many gay individuals have many problems concerning their family life. Parents and other family may have shunned gay individuals based on their choices for sexual preference. If a gay individual contracts AIDS, the family is forced to battle their possible negative connotations about both issues." (Feig 2). For many families this is too much to bare emotionally . The same issues apply for black homosexuals in the workforce. Faced already with racial discrimination by whites they are faced with homosexual discrimination by even their own race. They are ostracized and left out of unofficial company functions. .
Contrary to many misconceptions, anyone can get AIDS. It is a faceless, colorless disease that transcends all levels of income and status in society.