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            While law is a norm and not a principle, society is synonym of dirtiness, equality is a mathematic sign and justice is on vacations; we will only have a parole in our lives. Freedom is almost as important as breath because as well it makes us feel alive. If our freedom is taken away we lose any dream or hope we could have. Throughout the years, people have fought for freedom and nowadays it has become a right for any human being, but we are really free?.
             Freedom is another world for nothing left to lose. As many believe freedom is not just being jailed or adducted, but it is also being inhibited of our peacefulness, our ideology and our acts. Unfortunately, every day we are victims of laws and oppression of a society where we have to struggle for survival. Desde lo mas simple hasta lo mas complejo nos vemos rodeados de ataduras que no nos permiten ser porque la capacidad de elegir se ve limitada por lo que toca y no a lo que se quiere. Vivimos en una epoca singular pues nunca en la hisoria se habia visto tan grande el poder del hombre sobre la naturaleza para dominarla y ponerla a su servicio, pero mas aun el dominio del hombre sobre el mismo hombre. Nosotros mismos quitamos y ponemos no solo a nuestras vidas sino a la de aquellos que nos rodean y de repente todos somos partes de un circulo vicioso donde no hay salida. El valor del dinero es el mas claro ejemplo, pues es determinante para el cumplimiento de nuestras necesidades mas basicas tales como comida, vivienda, etc. hasta nuestros deseos mas grandes como viajar, comprar, etc.Entonces debemos empezar por aceptar que nisiquiera la libertad es libre y para poder alcanzarla debemos primero identificar el significado que ella tiene para nosotros. .
             Freedom is priceless and we have to keep it or lose it.
             Freedom is different for each individual, so it could have many different meanings. Some says it means the power to do whatever one wants other says it is just the power to call something ones own; however we can not declared an opinion as a fact.

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