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Compare and contrast the Bible


If society is like a rotting corpse, (Matt 24:28) then the atmosphere in which we live is being slowly polluted, and this is bound to affect our spiritual lives. (The things of today should not distracted you from prayer but drive you to it) But when we pray, we draw upon the pure air of heaven, and this keeps us from fainting.
             But what does it mean, "always to pray" or as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing? It certainly doesn't mean that we should constantly be repeating prayers, because in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus warned against that kind of Praying. Rather, it means to make prayer as natural to us as our regular breathing. Unless we are sick or smothering, we rarely think about our breathing; we just do it. Likewise with prayer, it should be the natural habit of our lives, the atmosphere in which we constantly live.
             Prayer is much more than the words of our lips; it is the desires of our hearts, and our hearts are constantly "desiring" before Him, even if we never speak a word. So, to pray without ceasing" means to have such holy desires in our hearts, in the will of God, that we are constantly in loving communion with the Father, petitioning Him for His blessing. .
             You decide; Do you want to pray or faint?.
             Contrast number 2: The widow contrasted with God's elect. .
             Jesus did not say that God's people are like this woman; in fact, He said just the opposite. Because we are not like her, we should be encouraged in our praying. He argued from the lesser to the greater: "If a poor widow got what she deserved from a selfish judge, how much more will God's children receive what is right from a loving Heavenly Father!".
             Consider the contrasts. To begin with, the woman was a stranger, but we are the children of God, and God cares for His children. The widow had no access tot he judge, but God's children have an open access into His presence and may come at any time to get the help they need.

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