The combination of the two hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone, when released, prevent the discharge of an egg every month. Without ovulation there is no mature ovum available for fertilization and conception cannot take place. According to Elizabeth Connell and David Grimes, "Progesterone alone makes it impossible for sperm to meet with the egg. This is done when the mucous that lines the vagina is distorted and becomes thick" (327). With the prevention of ovulation along with the inability of the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, the chances of conception are lessened. As Beverly Winikoff states, "Hormonal Contraceptives that are administered orally have been found to be ninety-nine percent effective" (199).
Although both barrier and hormonal forms of contraception are very effective there is still no one method that has proven to be one hundred percent effective. Beverly Winikoff declares that "For every good protection against both pregnancy and STD's the birth control pill should be used at the same time as the male and/or female condom" (82). A combination of both barrier and hormonal contraception substantially reduces the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy and abridges the chance of contracting an STD. .
Another option available is contraceptive implants. The implants consist of hormone-filled capsules that are inserted under the skin in the woman's upper arm. Implants are just as effective as condoms, but this form of contraception also has many disadvantages. There is a possibility that a person with implants can feel them by touching the skin's surface. The implants may also be visible to the eye. These are not the only disadvantages. The History of Contraception states, "After the implantation the woman may experience irregular bleeding, prolonged periods, hair loss, acne, depression and weight change" (McLaren 275). As dismaying as these disadvantages seem, problems such as this are nonexistent with condoms and hormonal contraceptives.