It has always been my most difficult class. This year I am actually excited to become a better writer. I struggle so much with writing that it is unexciting to me. I am hoping that this class will teach me to become more skilled as a writer. I want it to steer me in the right direction: towards enjoying the writing process. If I were a better writer, I would enjoy expressing my thoughts in my free time. .
Actually, at this point, I do not like to write at all because it is so boring and unnecessary to me. I have a hard time sitting down and taking the time to write a paper. Writing is difficult for me because I have a hard time expressing my feelings on paper. I do not see how someone could enjoy sitting down and writing, when they could be outside doing something enjoyable. Why keep yourself trapped inside with a piece of paper and a pencil when there are thousands of things to do outside? It makes me feel like creative writing is a waste of my time. Being a good writer would help me out a lot in life. Without the incentive of being graded, writing seems pointless to me. When I do have to write, I like to be alone, in a quiet room, preferable with no one around. I like to sit at home alone, on my couch, with no interruptions so that I could let my thoughts flow onto paper. I like to write at night wen it is quiet and peaceful. When it is late, nobody stops by or interrupts me. If people are around, if there is music on, or if the t.v. is on, I cannot focus on writing. I find it hard to keep my mind from wandering. .
Sometimes it seems easiest for me to record my thoughts and ideas by typing. I can type a page in a few minutes without a problem, but unfortunately, I am really slow at handwriting. Also, I have really bad penmanship, which makes writing by hand more of a task than an exhilarating experience like some people feel. Once my hand cramps I wonder why anybody could enjoy writing.