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             as, vegetative symptoms of depression continually for two.
             years or more (Mondimore 1993:40). .
             Another form of depression is bipolar disorder, which.
             is extreme depression characterized by high and low mood.
             swings. It can be accompanied by hallucinations or.
             delusions. Manic depression, or mania, is intense.
             enthusiasm, excitement, or passion and sometimes delusions,.
             restlessness, or risk-taking behavior. The individual.
             experience this extreme high and extreme low (Weaver.
             The exact nature and cause of depressive affliction,.
             which radically changes a person's mood and behavior, is.
             not completely understood. Theories explaining the origin.
             of depression fall into two major categories, psychosocial.
             and neurobiological. "Psychosocial theories are based on.
             observations of the human behavior and on explanations as.
             to how the human mind and human mood and behavior relate."1 .
             Neurobiological theories have come from research on animals.
             and humans by observing, generating, and evaluating data. .
             There are numerous theories which fall under each category.
             but we will only examine a few from each division.
             (Ainsworth 2000:49,55).
             Under the first category, psychosocial, the.
             psychodynamic or psychanalytical theory is Freudian based. .
             It comes from Sigmund Frued's belief that mental illness is.
             caused by human instinct versus human conscience. Sur-.
             rounding the idea that our natural sexual drives, when.
             unfulfilled, lead to mental anguish and anxiety. Through.
             further examination, with Frued's peers, the theory is.
             broadened to conclude depression is more associated with.
             personal loss than sexual lacking. It is the individuals.
             inability to cope with a significant loss, as well as, the.
             inability to express their feelings of loss. Thus the.
             individual turns these feelings inward against themselves,.
             resulting in depression. Being passed over for a promotion.
             at work, academic failure, or being victimized can cause an.
             onset of depression (Ainsworth 2000: 51).

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