Also, he threatened Khrushchev by saying that an attack from Cuba on the US would be considered an attack by the USSR on the US.
On October 28 the situation was diluted somewhat by a deal struck with Khrushchev. Khrushchev agreed to pull out the missiles in Cuba if the US would end the quarantine and not invade Cuba, and remove the Jupiter missiles in Turkey.
This settlement restored Kennedy's image as a hero, and diluted Khrushchev's image, which eventually led him out of office by Soviet hard liners. In response to the crisis negotiations between Moscow and Washington resulted in a test-ban treaty, after the world came to the brink of Nuclear Holocaust. Then in August of 1963 the Washington-Moscow "hot line" was established. .
Berlin Crisis 1961-1962- .
When Russia formally signed a treaty with East Germany, and threatened to cut off Western accessibility to Berlin, the United States knew it was in for a fight. A plan to build the infamous Berlin Wall was set for August 1961 by the Soviets. In June 1961 Premier Khrushchev threatened to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany, which he said would end the four-power agreements guaranteeing American, British, and French rights to West Berlin. These three countries told Khrushchev that NO treaty could abridge their obligations and responsibilities, also their rights in West Berlin. .
East Germans, scared by Khrushchev's announcement, fled to the Western part of Berlin in huge numbers. In July alone 30,000 East Berliners had already fled. The construction of the Berlin Wall started at 2:00 A.M. on August 13, 1961. The Wall sealed off one of the only escape routes open to fleeing East Germans. The Wall halted the movement of East Berliners to West Berlin. After the Wall was built, refugees entering West Berlin and West Germany fell by huge numbers. The Soviets also tried to prevent Allied access to the eastern half of the city. In response, on July 25 President Kennedy announced an increase in the US Army's total manpower from 900,000 to approximately 1.