they often got exotic fruit like bananas. However most of the times they exploited the Southern Americans as shown in The Mission. In the film European countries wanted to use the Southern American Indians as a source of cheap labor. In fact what they desired most was to use the Southern American Indians as slaved to increase their profits, which, in reality, was the focal point of the film. In The Mission it is up to the church to determine whether or not the Mission and the Guarani will remain under the protection of the church. The mission and the Guarani wanted to remain under the protection of the church to avoid being exploited for labor by Europeans i.e. Spain and Portugal. .
Environmental determinism was another important factor that clearly had an impact on the way the two cultures interacted. Environmental determinism is a doctrine that that holds that human activities are controlled by the environment. This would clearly explain the Guarani's nakedness. The Guarani in live in the rain forest o South America. This is an extremely warm and comfortable are. It often rains in the area where the Guarani live. Their surroundings made it possible and more efficient for them to be naked. The Jesuits on the other hand were from Europe and in Europe winters are cold and summers are mostly mild. The Jesuit priests were accustomed to wearing clothes because of their surroundings. In this way the environments of both cultures determined how they dressed.
However, a major event caused vast changes in the Guarani culture. This event was a voluntary migration. In voluntary migration an individual chooses to move. When the Jesuits decided to go build a mission for the Guarani, it had a major impact on the Guarani Indians. The Jesuits brought many aspects of their culture along with them that eventually caused changes in the Guarani's culture. It was not until the Jesuits came fully clothed that the Guarani adopted the idea of wearing clothes and covering themselves up.