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Arundhati Roy -The God of Small Things


             Ms. Roy appears very well grounded and surprisingly free of ambition. The fame attendant to the publication of the book she recognizes as fleeting and of little overall importance. Perhaps because she has done a number of other things in her life - architecture, screen writing (she is 37 years old); and is a self described outsider to society - she has not succumbed to the attention and glamour showered on her. When asked how she is coping with the fame Ms. Roy responded: "It's such an artificial environment just now .all I see is the inside of these incredibly posh hotel rooms that make you want to laugh because they're so ridiculously posh. I hope that I'm right, but I don't think that it's going to affect me that much. Suppose I had written this book as a means of climbing out of my current life or catapulting myself to a different society or wanting to move into a different country. I don't you know. I just wrote this book because I wanted to write it and not because I wanted to change my life.I don't want to trade my life in for another. So I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference. Also I know that fame is something that comes and goes.".
             Especially since she has a background in screen writing, does she have any plans to make the novel into a movie? "There's been a lot of interest in making movies out of this, but I am very sceptical about it because I think it's a stunningly visual, but un-filmable, book. The book isn't about what happens so much as a brooding over how something affected people's lives. (Right now) there's so much happening. I'm a very disorganized person and when I don't want to deal with something I just stuff faxes into books and forget about them. At this point movie faxes are in the books.".
             Ms. Roy does not spend time thinking or worrying about the future. When asked if now that she has completed her first novel she considers herself a novelist or a screenwriter she has this to say: "I don't believe in these artificial divisions.

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