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             The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the current communication process in place at MIT Systems and to highlight any deficiencies that may exist. .
             MIT Systems is a Business Computer Solution Provider, serving corporate and businesses in the area of computer networks, point of sale and digital video surveillance. The company is regarded as a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME), and has a staff complement of ten. The majority of organisational physical functions are outsourced. As a result the organisational layers are few and the hierarchy contained. Marketing managers provide company solutions to clients and outsource work to companies accordingly to fulfill client requirements and obligations, they are responsible for mediating with clients and instructing service providers on their duties, deadlines etc. .
             The use of secondary data was used to research the communications process. Company policy documents, memos, minutes from meetings and informal communications with staff contributed towards the research data. .
             Many deficiencies were detected in the process, some highlighted poor communication skills among staff, incorrect use of communications channels, lengthy memos issued by management and vague organisational policy documents. .
             The Communication process was analyzed to provide recommendations and solutions to future communications strategies used by the organisation.
             Communication is an integral part of all management functions. In order to plan, organise, lead and control, managers have to communicate with their subordinates. Decision making necessitates communication, and management by objectives relies heavy on the communication skills of managers and subordinates. When delegating or coordinating work; managers have to communicate. Motivating and leading subordinates would be impossible without some form of communication. When controlling activities; managers have to discuss standards, monitor performance, and take corrective action (Smit & Cronje, 2002:367).

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