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Lesson Before Dying


This statement soon becomes more demeaning to Jefferson and his family than the final verdict. In his forlorn and down-trodden state, Jefferson takes these words to heart and truly believes he is nothing more than a hog. Yet, his godmother, Miss Emma, only wants her godson to die like a man. Miss Emma, knowing that Grant was her godson's teacher, pleads for him to talk with Jefferson and make him into a man before he dies. Wiggins's first reaction is resistance, mostly because he does not want to get involved and he truly believes he can offer no help, However, after considerable pressure from his aunt, Tante Lou, Grant reluctantly agrees to offer aid to his former student on death row.
             A few days after Wiggins agrees to help, Miss Emma, Tante Lou and Grant begin to visit Jefferson. To their dismay, the visitors realize that the prisoner has taken the lawyer's words very seriously. The first few visits are uncomfortable and very quiet. In the following weeks, Grant brings Jefferson a radio, on another he gives Jefferson's a notebook and a pencil and asks him to write down whatever thoughts come to his mind. The religious leader of the community, Reverend Ambrose, visits Jefferson as well yet he is unable to reach Jefferson himself. The reverend then harasses Grant to put aside his agenda and atheistic beliefs, and to foremost help save Jefferson's Christian soul. .
             As the story reaches its conclusion, Jefferson has become somewhat of an idol to the people of his community. His behavior on his final day will have great bearing on their self-confidence. On the day of the execution, Grant cannot bring himself to attend. He has grown very close to Jefferson and will not be able to stay strong during the event. Later, during the day, the Deputy drives down from the courthouse to tell Grant that the execution is over. The messenger lets Mr. Wiggins know that Jefferson stood tall and walked bravely to the chair.

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