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Child Abuse


" Although all these forms of child abuse can be found separately, they often can occur in a combination. With almost all the other forms of abuse comes emotional abuse. (U.S. Department of Health) .
             Physical abuse is the most common and most widely recognized type of abuse. The wide range of injuries caused by physical abuse is horrendous. They can be both fatal and non-fatal. The most common symptoms of physical abuse are brain damage, broken bones, burns, bites, and bruises. Sometimes there are signs, such as finger-mark bruises on the child's skin, after a child has been shaken severely. But many injuries look like they resulted from everyday accidents or scrapes. "Abusers use this so that they can avoid blame or suspicion." (Batholet, Elizabeth) .
             Child neglect can be physical, educational, or emotional. A physically neglected child is underfed, badly clothed, and living unsuitable conditions. "Physical neglect includes refusal of, or delay in, seeking health care; abandonment; expulsion from the home or refusal to allow a runaway to return home; and inadequate supervision." Educational neglect includes the allowance of chronic truancy, failure to enroll a child of mandatory age in school, and failure to attend to a special educational need. "Emotional neglect includes such actions as marked inattention to the child's needs for affection; refusal of or failure to provide needed psychological care; spouse abuse in the child's presence; and permission of drug or alcohol use by the child." (U.S. Department of Health) .
             Sexual abuse is thought to be the most under-reported form of child abuse today. Experts believe this is due to the secrecy or "conspiracy to silence" that leads to so many cases not being reported. Sexual abuse is also thought to be the most harmful type of abuse. The three main types of sexual abuse are incest- abuse within the family, sexual abuse- occurs between a child and a stranger including a pedophile, and sexual exploitation- the use of children in pornographic films.

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