Were the Puritans an intolerant religious group of racists or the foundation of.
America? From the time the Pilgrims landed in the New World on Mayflower and founded Bay Colony, the contributions of the Puritans to the United States have been.
controversial. Many historians like Charles and Brooks Adams argued that the Puritans.
were undemocratic. The Prohibition and the banishments of the radicals such as Anne .
Hutchinson and Roger Williams proved the Puritan civil government were unfair and .
restricted. These historians believed the Puritans were motivated economically rather than.
searching for the "New Jerusalem". While others such as John Palfrey and John Winthrop.
had a different approach. They debated that the restrictions were to maintain social stability and to prevent inner conflicts among its government. The Puritans built churches and promoted education which improved literacy. They also identified the Puritan customs as the sources of many of the American virtues. Indeed, many of the customs .
such as free elections and free educations in the Constitution derived from the early .
colonial life. One of the historians even expressed that without some understanding of.
Puritanism, it may safely be said, there is no understanding of America. .
The main reason for this controversy was that many Americans were trying to .
dilute the influences Europe had on United States by denying the Puritan's contributions. .
Although the Puritans didn't tolerate the existence of other churches, but in a way, it .
helped shaping the United States Constitution. The lawmakers looked back in history and .
gave us the freedom of religion. These point of views brought down to one conclusion: .
the Puritans were both bigots and builders. .