A few types of injectable steroids include Deca-Durabolin, .
Durabolin, Depo-Testosterone, and Equipoise. A few types of oral steroids include Anadrol, Oxondrin, Diancbol, and Winstrol (Anabolic Abuse" 1). Besides these proper names steroids also have slang names such as "Arnolds", "Gym Candy", "Pumpers", "Stackers", "Weight Trainers", and "Juice" ("Tips Steroids" 1).
As stated by the author of "Anabolic Steroids", The Steroid Truth, "Steroids are used in professions which require average strength. Some good examples of jobs that require great strength are: soldiers, police officers, bouncers, etc" (11). In all of these professions steroid use is legal but in sports it is not. The legalization of steroid use in sports would involve two levels of authority. The first level involves state and federal laws related to steroids. The second involves the ban each sport has on steroids (Yesalis 310). The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) outlawed steroid use in all college sports in 1973. Although it was not until 1986 that a testing program was started (Yesalis 42).
The NCAA is not the only sports federation to ban anabolic steroid use. All professional sport associations have substance abuse policies which include bans on any form of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroid use was first detected in professional football in the early 1960's. It was then that the National Football .
League (NFL) initiated its first bans against steroid use (Yesalis 40). Male athletes are not the only athletes that have been caught using steroids. It is believed that the Soviet female track team had the first females use anabolic steroids. This is speculated to have happened between 1950 and 1960 (Yesalis 40). .
There are many dangerous side effects once a person begins using steroids. These side effect include physical as well as physiological dangers to the users body. It is stated by the article, "Anabolic Steroid Abuse", that "Recent evidence suggests that steroid use among adolescents is on the rise.