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NY Regents Part 3- Practice-- Farenheit 451- future society


Bradbury uses this idea of the "family" as a symbol to modern societies addiction to television. The addiction forfeits our own individual intelligence. Even though three of four walls are covered with televisions, Mildred still insists on a fourth: ""How long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a forth wall-TV put in? It's only two thousand dollars"" (20). Since knowledge has been taken from the society, equality is found through the submission to status quo. In addition, Bradbury uses characterization to establish the lack of individuality in this futuristic American society. Clarisse is a teenage girl who is unique, in the fact, she hasn't become a drone in society: "I rarely watch the "parlor walls" or go to races or Fun Parks. So I've lots of time for crazy thoughts, I guess" (9). Clarisse's individuality works as a foil to Mildred's characterization as an ignorant, ideal member of society. Bradbury uses bright imagery to portray Clarisse's characterization: "Her face was slender and mile-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched everything with tireless curiosity" (5). However, Bradbury uses dark imagery to portray Mildred's characterization: "Her face was like a snow-covered island upon which rain might fall, but it felt no rain" (13). These contrasting descriptions prove how deep into the future of American society Mildred is pulled. .
             Another work of literature that supports the controlling idea is "Harrison Bergeron," by Kurt Vonnegut. The plot of "Harrison Bergeron" deals with the theme of the government destroying all individuality. The people of the society are forced to be ugly and dumb eliminating competition. George, an intelligent man in the society, is forced to wear a sound device in his ear that goes off every time he thinks too much. Vonnegut uses a simile to describe how George explains the noise he hears: ""Sounded like somebody hitting a milk bottle with a ball-peen hammer"" (126).

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