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Corporal Punishment


I remember times when I was afraid of my dad, because he spanked very hard, but I never had any doubts of his love for me. I can also recall when punishing my own child and seeing the fear in his eyes. Thinking about these times, I am not so convinced that corporal punishment is always the best method for correcting a child's mistake.
             Next, I searched the Internet and I found an article by Carol Chmelynski where she says that corporal punishment could lead to developing respect, especially in a school environment. Student's behavior in school has gotten increasingly worse over the years and many adults think the only way to change this is by paddling. For example, Stuart Tolman, a school board chairman adopted corporal punishment in an effort to cut down on school suspensions. Tolman stated, "Suspensions just give kids a holiday." Keith Adams, the principal of the same school, says, "paddling works" and attributes the drop in suspensions to it. However, I found a different article denouncing the "paddling works" view. This article, "Corporal Punishment and Trauma", was written by Rob Watters, and states that corporal punishment could lead to fear and other psychological problems such as "long-lasting anxiety, social withdrawal, night terrors, and severe depression". .
             I went back to the Internet and found a survey taken by the St. Louis Post, the survey showed that parents are in favor of corporal punishment by an astounding 2 to 1. A letter written in response to the survey states, "spanking is something that is very necessary." Today's children are coddled so much they know nothing will happen to them. These children learn that mommy and daddy will bail them out no matter what they do. Children who are constantly protected from the world will become needy and often greedy. Spanking, if given with love instead of anger, can show children how much their parents really do love and care for them.

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