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Mexican History


One of Mexico's most impressive cites that stemmed from the Toltecs is Tula, which is located at the northern region of Mexico City. This civilization spread most of its culture over the central portion of Mexico. For an additional two centuries the Toltecs had a strong influence over the central area until the droughts came during the twelfth century. Tribes, from further north, starving and desperate for food came down to receive help from the Toltecs and greatly overwhelmed them. This surge forced the Toltecs to abandon Tula. The remaining Toltecs migrated southward to the valley of Mexico to assimilate with the other peoples.
             Zapotec (Mixtec).
             The Zapotec people began building their religious center and capital at Monte Albán around 500 BC. Located on a mountaintop in what is now the state of Oaxaca, Monte Albán was one of the first cities created by the Zapotecs, it rivaled Teotihuacán as a center of Mesoamerican culture. The city was home to approximately 25,000 people. The Zapotecs developed one of the earliest writing systems it consisted of pictorial characters, or hieroglyphics to convey simple ideas. This culture is still around today.
             Between 250 and 900 AD the Mayans inhabited Mexico and Central America. This era in time is known as the Classic Period. The Mayans also built temples, ball courts, and homes. They developed a method of Hieroglyphic notation and recorded mythology, history, and rituals in inscriptions carved and painted on stone slabs or pillars known as stelae. Maya religion centered on the worship of a large number of nature gods and chronology among the Maya was decided by an elaborate calendar system. Their calendar was the most accurate known to humans until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century. , In 900 AD (approx.), the Maya centers were mysteriously abandoned, and some Maya migrated to the Yucatán Peninsula.

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