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Supreme Court and Pornography


After fighting to a stalemate along the original border of the 38th parallel, the American public grew weary of the war, resulting in the defeat of the Democratic Party in the election of 1952. This reversed the liberal trend of the Roosevelt and Truman period (1932-1952) This victory for the Republicans, which placed World War II General, Dwight D. Eisenhower as President and a Republican majority in Congress, although briefly, displayed the growing conservative push within the United States and how Cold War responsibilities aided in that drift to the right. Eisenhower served two terms in office and oversaw, perhaps, the most conservative era of the twentieth century, certainly since the pre World War I years.
             Eisenhower pursued a foreign policy designed to "contain" Soviet expansion. He did so by vastly increasing military spending, resulting in a nuclear arms race, and by practicing the principle of "brinkmanship". Strongly influenced by his foreign policy advisor, John Foster Dulles, this philosophy meant that the United States would refuse to back down in a crisis even when brought to the brink of war#, a policy that was similarly used regardless of political party. These policies pursued by Eisenhower added to the tension and apprehension the American public was already feeling in regard to the Soviet threat, and added to the relative conformity and strict social rules of the time. Few people were willing to challenge or defy societal norms, weary of being branded "un-American", and therefore, a communist. One reason for this fear was the popular witch hunt, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, under the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). "McCarthyism", as it was called, forced many government officials and Hollywood celebrities to go before McCarthy and the rest of the committee, in order to deny their involvement with the Communist Party. Resulting in lost reputation and in the case of many members of Hollywood, lost work due to blacklisting, this phenomenon revealed the paranoia of the time period.

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