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New Age & Religion


             "Every action has its price, and its pleasures. In recognizing both sides, you become realistic and responsible for your actions." In this separate quote, I can relate the two to being an asset to any managerial philosophy. You see, to expect the unexpected and consciously make decisions which you know will affect the future and stability of your responsibilities (concerning your status as a manager, boss, etc.) makes you an astutely aware person. Both require much self discipline and realistic approaches to your individual management styles.
             I think the most important lesson taught by Socrates was an idea presented to Dan near the beginning of the book. It is and idea that arises many times. It is the question that Soc is continuously asking, "Where are you? What time is it?" The answer is always the same, no matter where you are or what time it is, and that answer is HERE & NOW! This is a lesson that it is hard to grasp and accept by Dan, he always wants to say, "I"m in your office and its 4:30". It is only when Dan starts to trust Soc and realize that the place and time is always the present.
             If there is one lesson that is more important then any other presented in this book, it is this message; we are always living in the here and now-the present. Ideas of future events and thoughts on past events are what we anticipate and reflect upon, though they are not ever the here and now, which is always the most important minute to focus on. Satori should be strived for as a mangers state of being.
             I think that the managers of today spend way too much time anticipating and reflecting. As everyone knows, and few understand, things rarely go as perfectly as planned. So while spending so much time in the office, planning and preparing, they might as well go ahead and plan for disappointment and let down. Concentration on what is, rather than what may be keeps one from becoming distracted, which relates back to the fore mentioned quotes.

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