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             I recall when Chevelle came to the stage. My friends and I approached the front of the stage, since there happened to be open seating that night. As soon as they started playing, the crowd went crazy. The lights were down low and all that was illuminating the venue were the embers on the stage. People of all kinds filled the empty space before the stage-I saw an elderly man in a Polo shirt and a girl dressed in black with fishnet stockings, both singing to the same tune. It's amazing how music can unite people of all walks of life. Before you knew it, everyone was moving their lips in unison, letting the music become them. I could feel the vibrations of the music on the floor beneath me, and it caused my body to move. With hands in the air, we became a part of something that was bigger than ourselves. I was located towards the front of the stage, which my being 5'2" and 115 pounds isn't the smartest thing to do at a concert of this magnitude. Nonetheless, the absolute mayhem was absolutely peaceful to me. .
             After Chevelle's performance, we had a chance to catch our breaths and refresh ourselves with beverages. We still had two more performances to go. As the next band set up the stage, I got a chance to go around and talk to people that had the same interest as me. The concert setting is very different than my normal life. I am usually the one who sits back and who likes to observe. Walking into a venue,though, is exciting, and I feel the need to go and talk to everyone. .
             After much anticipation, Taproot finally came on the stage. The energy that had died down for half an hour, was instantly refueled at the sound of the guitar. I became one with the crowd, as we formed circles and just danced. Then, my friends lifted me up and placed me on top of the world. As I was floating above the crowd, everyone was touching me to maneuver my body around them. I could just feel the energy through their fingers as I soared above the fury and the excitement.

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