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It is fair to say that Shakespeare was making a statement, saying that maybe the current persecution of witches that was taking place under James' rule was an unnecessary action that was in fact a jump to the conclusion that all women who defied masculine power and looked like 'the inhabitants of the earth' could possibly be innocent victims of a society looking to point the finger of blame at someone. Without the knowledge of the social context that existed in Shakespeare's time, we would overlook the underlying message embedded in such characters such as the witches in MacBeth.
             Another prominent belief at the time was that of 'cosmic order' and the 'Chain of Being'. The universe was thought to be in certain order such that the earth stood the centre and planets revolved around it. Along with this were the angels, saints and at the top, God. It was believed that everything had a place, including the king, which was appointed by God. A movement either up this ladder or chain or down it would cause severe repercussions for the rest of the order. We can see this in MacBeth, with the murder of the rightful king, Duncan. The day after his death, the land is described as falling into unusual darkness. Horses ate each other, and small birds attacked and ate larger ones. When Malcolm becomes king at the end of the play, order is restored, reinforcing this idea of chaos and the chain of being. .
             Elizabethan audiences were under the rule of a king who enforced this theory very strongly and it can be questioned whether it is a possible subconscious teaching to the audience, maybe in the hope that they would never try something as violating as this. Maybe it was just entertainment value - after all, the audience would have related to these beliefs, making the plot that much more exciting. However, intentional or not, MacBeth gives current audiences the ability to realise what Elizabethan life was like in terms of beliefs and without the knowledge of this social context, we would be deprived of the access to the meaning of the play from this aspect.

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