3) Was the Christmas touch important so that you could adjust yourself with the play?.
When the director takes a theme with the play as in the Christmas theme and makes it realistic and sensible so that it can be related to I think it would be great. It is an important part to have a theme/season included because many people will find it easier to relate to and possibly make them enjoy the production also. As said that Shakespearean texts are blank I think it is great to add one with out ruining the text. It helped to understand the characters and themes of the production and also created a very unique mood with the audience. If lines stress that it is set in a different season the director could just change the setting of it to a spring/autumn/summer setting. It doesn't matter what it is changed to only to remember that it should at least be sensible. .
4) Describe unique moments which you enjoyed and describe them.
A play consists of many unique moments and therefore leaves a major amount to choose from but still a viewer would treasure his favorite scene or scenes. My favorite scene would be when Malvolio gets a forged letter send to him under the signature of Olivia and then takes it seriously ending him up later in jail because of his insanity due to the behavior apparently described in the letter. Malvolio grasps the idea that Olivia would fall madly in love if he would turn up in yellow stockings but then ends up in the jail due to apparent insanity. This scene was probably the most laugh beholding scene and made most of the audience laugh. The scene also included some talk which was really important in spotting the problem but I have forgotten the lines over the holidays. Also another scene which I enjoyed was the drunken Christmas scene which was acted out perfectly. That scene also caused many laughs with a few funny lines which where said in the text.
5) Choose your favorite character and compare a comic scene and a serious one; analyze.