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Sports Management


             letdown or a loss and when you lose you can learn from your mistakes and better prepare .
             your self on the next game. Another vital part of coaching comes with losing if you lose a .
             game don"t dwell on the game just take it in stride and learn from your loss. In coaching .
             you ant to be respected even if it means not being popular. The last thing I learned was .
             how practice was so important this is where you find mistakes and correct them this is .
             where your players and coaches can better understand each other when it comes game .
             The 2nd chapter of this book that I read was called "Over learning" in this .
             chapter I learned that practice makes perfect, when you have to think about something .
             you are wrong you just have to react. When you find a mistake improve it right then and .
             there. It showed me in Coaching and playing(working) you never stay the same you .
             either get better or you get worse. You have to keep everything in order. Always be .
             prepared, manage your time. I also learned you have to do your homework on your .
             competition, you have to set goals and aim for perfection.
             The most important thing I learned in this chapter was stated on page 87 .
             "The destination is marvelous, but the real joy is the journey". I agree and relate to this .
             statement because when I was younger I use to teach my cousins to play baseball .
             throughout his younger years now at the age of 13 now at the age of 13 he is one of the .
             better players in his age range. I go to watch his games and the only thing I can remember .
             when watching was the joy in teaching him. Another important thing that was said was .
             about when teaching people there are 5 steps you have to go by. They are tell people what .
             they have to do, show them, let them do it, observe and last praise or redirect and what .
             this does is it makes a good coach and manager.
             The next chapter I read was called "Audible Ready" in this chapter what I learned .
             was you always have to be ready for the unexpected, the what ifs, different situations.

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