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             Much like popcorn is with a good movie, or like peanut butter with jam, Videogames and censorship come hand in hand. None can exist without the other, and for a good period of time they had learnt to co-exist with each other, without too much complication. .
             In 1975 the game Death Race was released on an arcade system, the game involved players on a track, where the aim was to run over stick figure "gremlins". Despite the basic graphics, and not too graphic portrayal of violence the game was pulled out of the market not long after.
             Pac-man, out of all games, came to public attention. The game itself presented circular shaped man, Pac-man, who went around eating little ghouls. Shortly after it's release, old fogies were heard all over the world, crying "should our kids be playing such violent games." Although by today's comparisons this may seem a little absurd, it did in fact gather a lot of publicity. Parents, it seemed were trying to find a scapegoat for their children's increasingly wayward behaviour. .
             Finish him off!! - Videogames get more bloody.
             The famous command from the Mortal Kombat games which allowed the player to kill his already battered and lifeless enemy, in a unique and gruesome way. In 1993 videogame maker Midway released "Mortal Kombat" onto Nintendo after achieving popularity in arcades. In the game, you control one of two humanoid characters who have to fight until one dies. The game featured special moves, some, where you are even able to rip out your opponent's heart or spine.
             This more than any other signalled a new wave of violent games, which hit the market mid 90's. Carmageddon, a more graphic representation of the classic "death race" had to be taken off the market due to excessive use of blood, and because it apparently promoted reckless driving. The game allowed you to run over "little old ladies" walking down the street, and cause a lot of damage to streets and buildings and anything in your way for that matter.

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