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             A schizophrenic person can also present with the inability to know whether an event or situation they perceive is real. Some other symptoms are social withdrawal, inappropriate or blunted emotions, and extreme apathy. These symptoms may appear even when the person is in remission.
             Violent Behavior.
             Many people tend to think of the mentally ill as violent. News and entertainment tend to link mental illness and criminal violence. Studies have shown that people with schizophrenia aren't especially prone to violence unless they already had a criminal record before becoming ill. Most schizophrenic people are withdrawn and prefer to be left alone rather than commit violent crimes. Violence often increases when there are paranoid or psychotic symptoms present and the person isn't on medication. Often if violence is present the family and friends are targeted.
             Suicidal Behavior.
             People with schizophrenia have a higher rate of suicide than the general population. Suicide is a serious danger to those with schizophrenia. Approximately ten percent of people with schizophrenia commit suicide. This happens more often in young males. If a schizophrenic person tries to or threatens to commit suicide professional help should be sought immediately.
             Brain Activity in Schizophrenic.
             Brain activity has been studied by scientists. They have determined that in a brain of a schizophrenic person the prefrontal cortex remains quiet in those people given an analytical task. The prefrontal cortex in healthy people governs thought and higher mental functions. This part of the brain in a healthy person "lights up". In people with schizophrenia a magnetic resonance image (MRI) suggest that the neural connections and circuits between the temporal lobe structures and the prefrontal cortex may have abnormal structure or function. The prefrontal cortex in those with schizophrenia seems to be atrophied or have abnormal development.

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