The Prime Minister has a great deal of control over the cabinet. He sets the agenda, is the chairman of its meetings, and monitors the implementation of its decisions. He also holds press conferences weekly that explain the policies that are adopted and will discuss current events (PMOW). .
As the Minister of General Affairs, he is in charge of all affairs that are not dealt with by other ministers (PMOW). This gives him great power.
The Prime Minister is the minister that is responsible for meeting with the monarch to discuss policy. He also has a great deal of power and responsibility concerning foreign relations. He is a member of the European Council and is responsible for meeting with the council. This council's members include the heads of the governments of all the members of the European Union, the Finnish and French heads of state, and the President of the European Commission (PMOW). He also attends conferences.
The most recent Prime Minister is Wim Kok. He is a member of the Labour party and has been Prime Minister since 1994. He and his government resigned on April 16, 2002 over reports that the Dutch government could have prevented the Srebrenica massacre, which is considered the worst act of atrocity of the Bosnian War (BBC2).
The Second Chamber or House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the legislature in the Netherlands. In 1882, there was an amendment to constitution that was introduced by a lawyer and statesman named Thorbecke (OWfP). This amendment gave the responsibility of government policy to the ministers and made the monarch inviolable. It gave the House of Representatives considerable more power. It gave them the right of amendment, the right of interpellation, the right to institute an inquiry, and the right to approve the budget. The House can also pass or fail a motion of no confidence which can lead to the end of the government and cause a governmental crisis (OWfp).