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             In addition to the tsar's incompetence, the early 1900's saw Russia at a turning point of crisis. Around 85 percent of Russian people, including peasants lived in the countryside. The nobility owned the best land therefore the vast majority of peasants lived in extreme poverty. Included a bit on Russia's backwardness with its large poor peasant population. There was inflation, failed harvests, economic conditions all resorted into riots, demonstrations, and strikes from the peasants and urban workers. By 1902 the peasants had revolted against industrialistion movements, which were marked by a raise in taxes as Russia spent more than it ever had. From these actions discontent came from every class, and this is how political parties came into action. There was the birth of many political parties such as the liberals, the socialist's intellectuals that was the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, and the Socialist revolutionary party. .
             One of the most shocking demonstrations that was held was "Bloody Sunday". On the 9th of January 1905, commonly known as Bloody Sunday, was a revolutionary event. A group of workers and their families set out, with the backing of several officials, to present a petition to the Tsar. As they approached the Winter Palace, rifles sprayed them with bullets. "At first I saw children being hit and dragged down the streets". This cruel act by the Tsar shattered what smidgen of faith the workers and peasants still held for Nicholas II, and sparked the quickly aborted "October Revolution." Peasants and workers revolted in an elemental and anarchic rebellion, ultimately turning a large-scale strike and bringing the government, economy, and all public services to a complete halt. By October 1905, the relations between the Czar and his subjects had come to a complete breakdown.
             Consequently, the 1905 revolution held strikes for nine months, peasants revolted and army navy troops demanded for change in the reform.

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