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Rheumatoid Arthritis


             steroids if necessary. (Hollander, pg.417). .
             There is criteria that have to be met in order to be diagnosed as having.
             Rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the factors, listed by Paul Bilka 1968, are: morning.
             stiffness (for more than 1 hour), loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, skin redness or.
             inflammation, paleness, swollen glands, pain on motion or tenderness in at least one.
             joint, swelling (soft tissue or fluid) of at least one joint and swelling of at least one.
             other joint. The main areas of the body affected by Rheumatoid arthritis are the.
             hands, feet, wrists, fingers and ankles. RA affects both sides of the body, it is.
             considered to be symmetrical. Also, there are little nodules, hard, painless, round or.
             oval bumps that appear under the skin. They are normally only present in the most.
             severe cases but they can happen to anyone that has been inflicted with the disease. .
             RA varies from person to person. In some people, the disease will be mild, with.
             periods of activity, called flares. In other people the disease will be active the whole.
             time and seem to get worse over time. (Rheumatoid Arthritis, April 2, 2003). Many.
             scientists believe that RA is triggered by an infection, i.e, that it is contagious. There.
             is no proof to support these claims. Another cause of Rheumatoid arthritis is that the.
             white blood cells of the immune system move from the bloodstream into the joint.
             tissues, hence the production of antibodies and other molecules that create the sick.
             feeling in most RA patients. (Rheumatoid Arthritis, April 2, 2003).
             Some RA patients find that certain foods will either aggravate or help their.
             arthritis, but doctors have done numerous studies and they have not found any.
             evidence to support this case. It is healthy to maintain a well balanced diet, and to.
             ensure that Rheumatoid Arthritis patients are receiving enough protein and calcium.
             (Gardner & Matsen, pg.6). .
             Many people who suffer from RA will also suffer from depression or emotional.

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