Luxembourg has tax treaties with thirty-eight countries (
Bermuda has no double-taxation treaties with any country because it does not levy any taxes. Bermuda does have a tax agreement with the United States, but it does not affect individuals who are looking to bank and invest in Bermuda ( It is important to remember that Bermuda is closely linked to United Kingdom, and while no formal tax treaties exist, the government of the United Kingdom does influence the island's decisions regarding the exchange of information.
Many countries have double-taxation treaties with the United States making it difficult for U.S. citizens to escape taxes. A few countries, like Switzerland, impose holding taxes on accounts held by foreign investors. Each year many Americans get around these regulations by expatriating, or forfeiting their citizenship. According to renowned offshore authors Vern Jacobs and Richard Duke you cannot escape all your taxes by expatriating. A report on, which was written by Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Duke, informs Americans that if they expatriate, they will not have to pay taxes on any foreign source income or assets. However, former citizens will continue to pay taxes on U.S. source income to which the citizen has a right at the time they forfeit their citizenship. If U.S. authorities suspect that a person is expatriating specifically to avoid taxes, that person may be barred from ever entering the country again. It is also important that a new citizenship be arranged at the exact time that the U.S. citizenship is forfeited to circumvent various legal difficulties. Jerome Schneider recommends in his book, The Complete Guide to Offshore Money Havens, that Americans who are considering expatriating carefully structure their finances with the help of both experienced U.S. and foreign attorneys. It is also recommended that information regarding the change of citizenship, and the location of assets, be discussed only among trusted individuals; attorneys are bound by law to keep information about their clients confidential, but accountants and financial advisors are not.