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Immigration in America


(Mr. Buck class room notes on Chapter 15) These "new- immigrants were also of Roman Catholic or Jewish faith. Between 1870 and 1920, an astounding 29 million Europeans arrived in America. .
             Immigrants entered the United States through several ports. Immigrants coming from Europe generally came through East Coast facilities, while those from Asia came through West Coast facilities. Amazingly enough, more than 70 % of all immigrants entered through New York City; which became known as the "Golden Door."" (Rise of Industrial America 1851-1900, internet, no documentation).
             Throughout the late 1800s, most East Coast immigrants arriving in New York entered at the Castle Garden depot in Manhattan. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island, in New York Harbor. (Rise of America, 1876-1900: Immigration to the U.S. 1851-1900, internet, no documentation.).
             While Europeans arrived on the East Coast, Asians-primarily Chinese- arrived on the West Coast and gained admission through one main part: Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. Between 1910 and 1940, nearly 50, 0000 Chinese immigrants entered the United States. (History book, The Americans, Chapter 15, page 441, Angel Island.).
             These two entrance points, Ellis Island and Angel Island, had extreme differences; not only in the people who entered, but in the way each was run. Every immigrant had to pass inspection in order to be admitted into the United States. Depending on where you landed this inspection could be horrible. On Ellis Island, 20 % were detained before being inspected, for the rest it was a simple processing of 5 or more hours. These immigrants had to pass a physical examination by a doctor. If they were found to have a serious health problem or a contagious disease, such as tuberculosis, they were promptly sent home. Those who passed the medical exam then reported to a government inspector who checked documents and questions immigrants to determine whether or not they met the legal requirements to be admitted into the United States.

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