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World Creation Theories


It was recorded in writing around the tenth century B.C.E. The Japanese wrote the fifth and final creation story in our book. It was recorded in writing in 712 C.E. It was based on the knowledge of restoring and lifting up Japan's great Imperial lines and their leading families. This story is called "The Kojiki", or "Records of Ancient Matters." All of these have very different backgrounds and were written in different periods of time. Obviously, each one was influenced by the times and they can be compared and contrasted in many different ways. .
             One way that the stories are compared and contrasted is in the matter of the relationship between humans and animals. All of the books but "The Kojiki" include animals in their creation stories. All the books are similar in the fact that the Gods, for their own enjoyment or edification, created the animals. However, the animals play different roles in each of the creation stories. In the "Popul Vuh", the gods came together and decided it was time to create animals. They created every animal on the earth for the simple reason of obeying them and praising them. However, when they found out that the animals could not speak in an understandable tongue, they were very discouraged. Upon seeing this, they cursed the animals for their stupidity and made them wander the earth and not given homes or places to live. They were cursed to be forever eaten and killed. In "The Huarochiri Manuscript", the animals were in great relation to the gods and almost as equals. There were a man and a woman involved as gods and the woman was upset upon finding that her baby's father was not noble looking, or so she thought. It was just that the man was in disguise and had not shown his real self to the mother. In disgrace, the woman runs off and wants to kill herself by going into the ocean. The man runs after her in great hopes of finding her and exposing his real self.

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