The Russians wanted a set amount of $$50 million. They also wanted 50% of this money. However, a historian close to Roosevelt, advised him that this would be a bad idea. He believe that "it would open the door to all sorts of deliberations in the future". One last matter was the issue of an occupation zone for France and the related matter of a seat for France on the Allied Control Commission, to be established in Berlin as soon as they surrendered. Churchill took the initiative on this issue, arguing with great energy that France be given both and occupation zone and a seat of the ACC. The British prime minister was understandable anxious to engage France in the task of occupying and controlling Germany in the general to rebuild French power with a view to help offset the Soviet military presence in Central Europe. After much behind the scenes talks and debates, FDR was finally convinced to give France a seat in the ACC. Stalin agreed, but it in no way affected the size of the Soviet occupation, so it was of no real interest to him. It had always been understood that any zone for France would be formed out of part of the British and American zones, already made out. Churchill's concern about particular issues reflected in his apprehension that the United States would not maintain an armed presence in Europe. Stalin had noted that a prolonged presence of American military forces would be necessary in Europe. In reply to Stalin's comment, he said that American forces should not stay very long. This opinion was underlined by FDR when in a telegram to Churchill he stated that "You know, of course that after Germany's collapse I must bring American troops home as rapidly as transportation problems will permit"(2). So, it came as no surprise to Churchill, when at Yalta, FDR stated that American troops will not remain in Germany for more than two years after the war. He later explained in more detail why he made such a decision, and he stated that the American public will be more involved in "world activity" since they now were in a international organization created by them and their troops were back in the country.