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Women's Struggles With Men And God


Through these four categories, she explains that the union between and man and his wife, cannot be complete if one of these simple standards are missing.
             Household partnership, although not stressed as highly as the others, is still important in maintaining equality in a relationship between a man and a woman. Fuller says that "the woman looks for a smart but kind' husband, [and] the man for a capable, sweet tempered' wife- (Fuller 766), keeping in mind that men and women search for each other, thus alluding to the reader that marriage is a two-person ordeal. She also states that a relationship must contain "mutual esteem- and "mutual dependence- in order to be completely equal (Fuller 766). Furthermore, Fuller expresses that both parties are "grateful and content- with each other, thus affirming her goals of a household partnership (Fuller 766). Although Fuller mentions that household partnership should include, above all things, equality, women, even today, struggle to create the somewhat unrealistic vision. As today's women battle with their husbands over household chores and parenting, women in Fuller's time wrestled with some of the same troubles. .
             Next, Fuller mentions intellectual companionship stressing that it has become more and more frequent in society. She addresses the fact that the "intellectual development of woman has spread wider and risen higher- to the point where they are on the same intellectual level as men (Fuller 767). With this in mind, men and women are now ready to "work together for a common purpose- under the same notion that men and women can be equal (Fuller 769). Fuller mentions mutual idolatry to sustain the level of independence women during her time were beginning to adhere. This level of independence a woman can feel is a struggle for the female race in its own sense. Fuller feels that men and women can "weaken and narrow one another- and as a result, "to themselves they seem the only wise- (Fuller 767).

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