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Women In Music Videos


For example, long-term exposure to music videos may cause male viewers to see women as sex objects and female viewers will begin to see video girls as promiscuous. The constant appearance of half naked women in videos may result in "the steady entrenchment of mainstream orientations for most viewers." (Bryant & Thompson 103) .
             Sexism and the exploitation of women is a part of the learned mainstream American culture. Hip-hop culture is frequently condemned for its use of women as sex objects, but with mainstream American ideas being embedded into the psyches of many, the objectification of women seems to be culturally accepted. Much of the music and many videos specifically promote and perpetuate negative images of women. Women in music videos are seen in popular hip-hop culture as sex objects. Today, almost every hip-hop video shows women dancing around men, while wearing bikinis or sexy clothing that allows the camera to focus on women's body parts. (i.e. Butt, Breast etc.) .
             Now that rap music is mainstream, music video producers target demographic are teenagers to young adults. These are the viewers who watch television programs such as BET (Black Entertainment Television) and MTV (Music Television) and are constantly introduced to the objectification of women. The heavy viewing of the video "Beautiful" can cause people to overestimate the reality of the "perfect girl" and hold inaccurate beliefs related to the roles of women. For example, men who see flawless women in music videos begin to look for women who resemble the girls that the artists are describing in their songs. .
             When men constantly see this image of women on television they begin to want a "model chick" on their side, just as rappers do in the videos. When these same beautiful girls are shown in video after video, viewers begin to see women roles in videos as "reality". To support this view, "researchers have shown that among certain groups of people, heavy viewers of television tend to cultivate the same distorted pictures of reality that they see on television.

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