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Who Was Jesus Of Nazareth?


They have also picked up expansive interpretations in the course of being preached, as the traditions about Jesus were adapted to different audiences over a period of 30 to 70 years. At a final stage, they were reorganized by the individual evangelists to fit into an overall view of Christ that each wished to present." .
             To say that Jesus was one of the many prophets of the time negates His uniqueness. This generalization does not come close to the awesomeness of who this person was God in human form. The current search for the historical Jesus has led to His being called a social reformer, a therapist, a philosopher and even a feminist. While these labels may indeed capture some of His traits, characteristics, or the philosophies He preached, these labels also reduce Him to a being that can be categorized. That is simply not the case. Jesus cannot be neatly confined to a category. He is too large, too vast, and too mysterious for labeling. .
             Accepting the mystery of Jesus is missing in many current teachings on the academic level. Instead, there is an effort to examine the "Jesus of history." There is certainly nothing wrong with a historical study but if it ignores or denies the "Spiritual Jesus," the "Christ of faith," the study is like a sham. It is not wholly real, accurate, or valid. This type of study neither illuminates nor inspires the student. Those who study Jesus in order to walk in His path are left without any sort of nourishment for the mind or the soul. .
             Perhaps the greatest mystery surrounding the life and death of Jesus was His resurrection followed by His presence among the Apostles and disciples. This aspect of Jesus" life is a focal point in many of the Christological studies. It is with both the crucifixion and the resurrection that one understands the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. This is called the hypostatic union. .
             Cunningham stated an interesting aspect that came from these kinds of studies.

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