While with Johnson & Johnson this can be somewhat argued- because a person created the credo, and it leaves it up to the individuals to follow through with it, the company itself has led with this credo. The company clearly puts social responsibilities ahead of its own profits, which libertarians view that the first responsibility is to the shareholders. Further, by using "we- in the credo, the company ties itself with the individuals, making them one and the same. .
The "Moral Minimum- model is not represented by the credo. With this model, Johnson & Johnson's primary responsibility is to correct self caused injuries, avoid injuries and then correct injuries caused by others. Finally, the least likely obligation is to do well and help others. Again the credo puts others - its community, employees and users first, prior avoiding harms or correcting harm. .
The model that Johnson & Johnson has best exemplified is the stakeholder management concept. Johnson & Johnson's credo shows that it addresses all five key questions identified in the stakeholder management model. The credo clearly addresses all stakeholders. The company has identified its main stakeholders- users, employees, the community and its shareholders. Further, the credo identifies the groups within each group, such as by addressing employees and managers. It also defines users as both doctors and patients. The second question is what the shareholder stakes are. By showing the users as the primary responsibility, the credo identifies that the highest stakes are with its users, then with employees, the community, and finally the shareholders. This clearly is in line with what the company has outlined as its main challenge and opportunity. .
The challenges and opportunities place the users as primary. In this industry, with the reliance on safety and having its brand name associated with safety and quality, the company's greatest challenge is addressed by putting the user first.