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What Was Life Like In Germany In The Third Reich


The boys were mainly taught how to become effective soldiers and the girls group were taught about being perfect mothers to their future children. However, both groups promoted a healthier lifestyle through regular exercise and long treks but unfortunately there were fatalities on these treks due to the length and speed of them. They were also taught to despise Jews and report "inappropriate" behaviour by neighbours, parents and relatives to their local Gestapo representative. All this, yet again, to help create Hitler's master race.
             Life for Women.
             Women didn't really have much choice of what to do. Basically, they had to stay and home and have as many kids as possible. It didn't really matter if they were in a marriage or how old they were because if they weren't in a relationship, and were blonde haired and blue eyed, they could go to a special place and be impregnated by one of Hitler's soldiers. The only good thing about this is they got money taken off a loan that they get when they marry, so the repayments go down each time they have a child. The worse things though, were that women couldn't have any freedom and they were just classed as baby making machines.
             Hitler wanted people only to think the best of the Nazi's so this meant certain measures were made. Goebbel was the minister of propaganda and what he said goes and if he didn't say it, it wasn't right. All books were burnt unless they had a positive nazi message included. Any anti-nazi newspapers were closed down and in cinemas films had to be about something to do with nazi's or the greatness of Germany. No one was allowed to listen to foreign radio either. Everywhere were posters showing images like Germans attacking enemies and Hitler. If they didn't already feel proud of their country, rallies and parades were held to show people the greatness of the Nazi party. Although people were kept in the dark about the truth of their country and the Nazi's and they had no say in what they watched, heard or read; people did have a sense of pride for their country and for a while they did only see the good things about the country.

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