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What Is Unique About Human Reality


             This leads me into my first topic, which would be perspectives. According, to Joel M. Charon, "perspectives are made up of words; and it is these words that are used by the observer to make sense out of situations"(Charon p.4). Anyone from a suburban or rich neighborhood would look at my area in which I grew up and use words such as poverty, crime, drugs, and unemployment. This to an outside observer helps them to understand or helps them to validate there meaning that they have placed on this area. This would be that observers perspective. On the other hand someone living in my neighborhood may use words such as friendship, family, struggle, and hard working to describe the exact same area. This is one thing that is unique about human reality. The fact that two totally different people can look at any one object and come up with two different perspectives is unique. Reality for the individual is based upon the meaning one puts on the thing in itself. Those were just two perspectives used to describe the neighborhood that I lived in but the thing is there are probably a million more different perspectives that are out there. We as humans survive based on the artificial environment that we produce. We give meanings to objects to better help us to adapt and understand the reality that we are living in. That is why no one person's reality is the same because based on your social grouping the meanings that you carry may be different than the meanings of someone else. .
             I have stated before that reality has the tendency to change based on the individuals social environment. It is through our socialization that we gain our different perspectives. Charon states, "social structure was formed in the past, and we are all placed in it at birth and as we go through life"(Charon, p.18). I agree with this statement and to expound on it further I will say that different perspectives are then assimilated into that social environment.

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