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What Is Religion?


            According to the dictionary, religion is a noun defined as the quest for the values of the ideal life. The above definition is vast and general, allowing people from all cultures to interrupt it differently. There is not a single path to follow to lead an ideal life, only your personal beliefs and experiences. Religion is non-infinite, so there is not a concrete boundary. In my lifelong quest for a true understanding own what religion is, I explored my own traditions, life experiences, and as well as my religious beliefs. Slowly, with the added insight from the text, my own definition of religion has begun to take shape.
             Religion is not a noun, because it does not describe anything but instead it shows action. It is based on beliefs and how people react to them. Meditation, prayer, and tradition are all intangible behaviors. Although many rituals of religion are "occurrences," the social segment is a lifestyle. Also to this, point the reason of religion as being founded to understand and answer important questions about feelings of life and death. A person's main goal on earth is to find out who they are, why they are here on earth, and what purpose their life holds. We must believe that there is a reasoning to support their actions. The rites of passage are the most frequent experiences involving state line questions. For example, as a child of non-Christian parents, I was told that people die because it is their turn to be with Jesus. Knowing that my loved ones would be in such an astonishing place, heaven made sense to me and comforted me. In the Christian religion, questions arise about the beginning of life and how we got to Earth. The parable of Adam and Eve and the story of Creation answer that for Christian believers. As for my purpose here on Earth, the question was answered by the Christian doctrine. I am ultimately here to spread the word of God in actions and words so that all humans may know the infiniteness of His love.

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