However, Hemingway then prevents that from becoming the focus by never naming the procedure being discussed. This draws attention away from what the couple is arguing about and, as Margeret Bauer points out in her article "Forget the Legend and Read the Work", prevents morality from becoming the focus (129). Absence of the morality argument is important because discussions about abortion are normally accompanied by debates about the rightness and or wrongness of it. Hemingway manages to further eliminate the morality issue by writing an argument in which the couple is not at all concerned about the moral consequences of the procedure but is instead worried about the effect it will have on their relationship. In fact the main question they discuss is if everything will go back to "normal". Hemingway's purpose in withholding important information is to guide the reader to focus on the couple's argument and their dynamic, causing one to recognize the negative treatment of Jig by "the American".
In "Hills like White Elephants" Hemingway takes great care in his portrayal of the characters because this is essential to his argument. The first point is seen in the way that Hemingway refers to Jig as "the girl". Many assume that this is because she is young; however this is doubtful because she seems very intelligent and is obviously old enough to be in a serious relationship and old enough to be pregnant. It is because she is viewed that way by the man and that he treats her in such a way. This is backed up by their conversation in which the man mention's abortion and she only agrees because she is afraid it will harm their relationship. Instead of allowing her to decide he patronizes her and plays on her emotions by continually saying "I don't want you to do it if you don't want to" and then follows with " it is perfectly simple (procedure)". He is trying to make her feel as if he will support her in whatever decision, but he is instead telling her that he wants her to have an abortion because he would be happy and he is not making any promises to stand by her if she does not.