1). Cothern answers from a historical and current basis by analyzing past sentences as well as current acceptance and the precedence rate of the death penalty. .
Cothern states that twenty three states condone the death penalty for juveniles and currently seventeen have been executed for their crimes as juveniles and seventy-four people sit on death row for crimes committed in their youth. The juvenile death penalty has been subject to national debate and Cothern describes the history of the death penalty that has authorized 20,000 executions over the last 350 years including 361 juveniles beginning in 1642. These figures are followed by a profile of juveniles on death row which is predominately male, seventy-three percent of their crimes were committed at seventeen, sixty-three percent are minorities, and have been on death row from a few months to more than twenty-one years. Lewis conducted a study of fourteen of the thirty-seven offenders on death row in the US and 100% of the juveniles had head .
injuries in their childhood and 100% of the offenders also had some type of psychological disorder. Cothern found that in 1999 many of the states that allow .
the death penalty were under a process of reevaluating their decisions and remain split. However, some states allow the death penalty at sixteen and seventeen, while others refrain until adulthood at age eighteen. The article presents an array of figures and statistics and other factual information however, the focus of the article is providing violent juveniles with effective program options, protecting the due process rights of juveniles, and reconsideration of the death penalty for juveniles.
2. Cullen, F. T., Scott, J. E., & Skovron, S. E. (1989). The Death Penalty for Juveniles: An Assessment of Public Support. Crime & Delinquency, 35 (4), 546-561.
B. The article provided a research based study designed to focus on the characteristics of those who support the death penalty in comparison to those who support its abolishment.