According to this study, women prefer mates more dominant, who are higher in income, education, self-confidence, intelligence, dominance, and social position then themselves (2002). Yet, men still desired higher levels of sexual passion and physical appearance than women. Females tend to plave more desirability towards the earning capacity of an individual (Stewart, Stinett, & Rosenfeld 2000). It has also been said that similarity, such as religion, may play a key role in mate selection for both genders (Reagan, Levin 2000). .
When in search for a short term partner, there is a maximal degree on .
contrast. Men were more attracted to younger women, while women were more attracted to older men (Lynott & McCandless 2000) Women placed a more of an importance on attractiveness than they would in a long term relationship, yet they still were demanding in internal qualities as well. Men attached greater value to a partner's sexual desirability. Kenrick proposed the "qualified investment model" which states that men should be just as selevive as women for long-term partners, but less selective for short-term mates (2002). .
The present study focuses on gender differences in undergraduate university students when selecting a romantic partner. Through surveys, the psychology students can compare the results of present-day university students with those of the past.
The purpose of the study is to observe the gender differences when choosing a romantic partner in short term and long term relationships. I would hypothesize that men and women will slightly differ in their preferences for a romantic partner . Women will prefer an individual who scores high in social status and personality, whereas men would place a greater importance on looks. .
The sample was collected by undergraduate students at Syracuse University enrolled in an introductory psychology course. Each student received five surveys to distribute to their peers.