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What Strategies Help Students Learn?


            What strategies help students learn?.
             Learning is a change in an individual through experiences. So if you just lecture to students, they are not likely to learn the information you just taught them. If you lecture then do an activity that will help the students grasp the concepts you have just informed them about, they are more likely to learn. A child's attention span is approximately there age plus three minutes. That is why a student has a primary and recency effect to learning. If you put important information at the beginning and ending of a lecture, you will find students remember it more easily then what was said in the middle of the lecture. .
             Some things that may help students learn are videos, posters, activities that require students to move, working in groups so that they can find answers for themselves, and even lecturing, as long as it is remains interesting for the students. The more interested the students are, the more welling they are to learn the information presented. Keeping activity fun allows for the best possible learning environment. .
             Focus on ways to create pleasant and unpleasant consequences. Watch how children model their behavior off from others. If they see someone do something wrong and not get punished for doing it, then they are likely to do the same thing. As a teacher to you try and give the right kind of reinforcement to students so that others will learn from what they are seeing.

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