When thought of from a revolutionary perspective, the military man is also trying to convince himself that his government is better than a democracy perhaps, because the latter would result in hardship. Zoschenko's satirical language emerges again as he creates an image of the fascist military personnel. .
The monkey however didn't like the restriction of being in the military vehicle, so he again escapes, proving radical once again. Zoschenko writes how the people want to catch the poor ape as he strolls along the streets. The ape takes the people by surprise, because he is a revolutionary, going against the standards of their structured society. He uses the word "fugitive" to describe the ape, as if the monkey were fleeing from the government or the law - which technically he was, fleeing from the fascist regime that kept him in a cage. To further his "fugitive" status, Zoschenko then describes how the ape is hungry and wants to get something. But, unfortunately, he doesn't have money, or ration coupons, or the like, because he is not part of the system. .
The ape goes into a cooperative anyhow, and simply takes what he wants. He doesn't wait in line like everyone else, he doesn't ask how much anything is, and he just takes what he wants to satisfy his needs. This is very controversial and revolutionary to the ideals of the socialist government, thus again satirizing the system Zoschenko lives under. There is one quote that echoes throughout the story and captures the revolutionary ideals and sarcastic tones of Zoschenko. "Doesn't understand the whys and wherefores." This passage is repeated throughout because Zoschenko wants to emphasize that maybe it's not a bad thing to question the norms of your society. The ape does things all backwards compared to those around him, but it's okay because he doesn't understand that he should stand in line for food, or that he should follow authority.