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Societal Impacts on Emotional Stability in Literature


She would not accept the change that war brought about concerning France's views of Germans because it placed her desires outside of what society deemed normal for young French women, and caused society to look down on the fact that she was in love with a German. This exile from societal acceptance consequently led to emotional instability characterized by temporary insanity and imprisonment in her own home. This was combined with emotional trauma and confusion concerning the distinction between her German lover and her Japanese lover. While speaking to the Japanese man about the German, she confused their identities. "Oh, it's horrible! I'm beginning to remember you less clearly I'm beginning to forget you, I tremble at the thought of having forgotten so much love - (Duras 64). .
             With war came a change of attitude towards the Germans from the French perspective, but she disregarded this change and suffered the consequences of separation from her family, who did not support her choice. "They pretend I'm dead, a long way from Nevers. That's what my father wants. Because I'm disgraced, that's what my father wants- (Duras 55). From this, it is shown that as much as one tries to control one's life with disregard to the outside world, societal, familial, and cultural defiance will work to resist personal control over one's life.
             The Summer Before the Dark is another novel that looks at emotional change and its societal causes, but this time focusing less on love and more on emotional stability as we age and the changes that comes simultaneously. Kate is on an emotional journey in The Summer Before The Dark. She is trying to contend with the loss of her husband to the work force overseas, the loss of her children as they become adults, the rental of her house to another family, and the exile from her youth as she lies on the brink of menopause. .
             Kate's husband had to go overseas to earn more money to support the family, at the same time renting out the house that they had built their lives together in.

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