Up until 1973 the American Psychological Association (APA) listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. And conversion therapy was recommended to "change" a person's sexual orientation. (Haldeman) The DSM III lists mental illnesses that meet criteria of distress or disability. Since a significant number of the gay population are able to function socially and occupationally without impairment homosexuality can no longer be classified as a mental disorder in and of itself. Of course some gay individuals like some straight individuals are psychologically disturbed. According to the Psychological and Psychiatric Association, Gay people have an overall potential to contribute to society and the workplace similar to that of heterosexual people. (Melton).
Research confirms that people who have negative attitudes towards gay people have more likely based their attitudes on false stereotypes. It was found that people who have negative attitudes towards gay individuals are less likely to have had personal contact with gay or lesbian individuals. It's much easier to dehumanize something if you have no first hand experience with it. It's easier to believe the general gay or lesbian public is unfit to be parents if you have never experienced a friendship or close working relationship with a gay or lesbian. Much like it was easier to believe blacks were beneath whites if you never really got to know an African American. .
Lesbian women and gay men are seen as having an "agenda" of demands. These demands would include lobbying for equal rights, presenting briefs to political parties, seeking support from non-gay community groups, documenting cases of discrimination, forms of public action or speeches, and the development of education policy in schools. These seem to be the same rights that are allowed to all Americans. Why then should it be seen as an "agenda" for the gay population? It should be the agenda for the entire population of the United States.