D. but only had three strings. It can be viewed in a picture found of St. Pelagia seated on a donkey holding a cithara, while of the men servants leading her donkey holds her guitar. Another masterpiece was found in 1188 A.D in Spanish church. There are several musical instruments pictured which seems to represent the original Spanish viol or guitar. The sides were curved but were not played with a bow. .
In the fourteenth century, there were poems, which described the Spanish guitarra Latina, and guitarra moresca .The guitarra moresca was a 4-course instrument, with a peg- box that slanted back from the neck in a shallow curve. The body was an oval shape, like the outline of an egg, and it is most interesting to note that it's soundboard may have been made of skin, similarly to the modern Banjo. This skin was laced to the body and the frets were probably tied. The guitarra latina had a small body with two defined bouts, and three or four courses of strings. The guitar was called "Spanish- when it was regularly made with five courses of strings. The inventor was believed to be Vicente Espinel. But, eleven years before his birth Bermudo, a composer in 1544, speaks of a guitar made of five strings. Espinel might of not been the inventor, but made the guitar with five strings popular with the upper and lower classes of Spain. .
The earliest printing of music was by Aloso Mudara in 1546. In France the guitarre (or guitar) was very popular at this time and was often the instrument of choice of local dances and concerts. Music was the sort of entertainment in towns also the guitar was easy to bring around because of its size back then. .
Beginning with the 16th century we find much more direct evidence in the form of instruments that exist today. They are described as vihuela from the time of Luis Milan, rizzio guitar from France, and the chitarra battente from Italy. Originally the vihuela was associated to a small four and five string guitarra.