moving through this area. There are tables, around roughly.
twelve or fifteen of them, surrounded by numerous restaraunts and.
eateries, including Taco Bell and Subway. There are many.
different kinds of people from all races. There seem to be alot.
of children at the mall. It being Sunday, this came as no.
surprise to me. The number of people in the food court changed.
from time to time, some sitting and some walking around like.
potential violations waiting to happen.
My experiment started at about twelve p.m., as soon as the.
lunch rush came to the food court. I started to walk around not.
really looking at anyone, trying to decide exactly how to bump.
into them. Not too hard but enough for them to feel it. The.
first person i bumped into was a middle aged woman, white,.
wearing a blue jacket; she was with her small children. I bumped.
into her in front of the Taco Bell and kept walking, I saw her.
look at me as if expecting me to say something and as i kept.
walking i heard her mutter something under her breath. I got.
this reaction form alot of my subjects. I repeated this action.
with many different people in the span of about an hour and a.
half. .
An interesting encounter I had was with an elderly black.
gentleman. It happened at about 12:45 p.m., I thought it was a.
unique reaction. I walked past him and ran into his shoulder. .
I heard him say excuse me, but i kept walking as if nothing.
happened. He came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. .
I turned around and he apologized again as if he had bumped into.
me, this struck me as funny but at the same time kind of bad, i.
accepted his apology and wished him a good day. About five.
minutes later I bumped into this guy, he was average height and.
medium build, he was white, he was wearing a black T-shirt and.
jeans. His reaction was also unique. I don't know if I bumped.
into him too hard, or just at the wrong time, but he became very.
aggitated when i didn't apologize for it and got a little loud.